Facebook is actually a pretty neat thing: I can keep in touch with people that I never see, and talk to others that I haven't seen in a LONG time! I am friends with my brother, Dave, my roommates, kids from Elementary school, Peter's sister Jami, my cousin Barbara, friends from Florida, etc, etc. It is really nice to be able to see what everyone is up to! But one of the downsides is all of the applications that I am requested to add. It would take a while to explain these, but you can add things like quizzes, games, etc. The one that is of interest to me right now is the Spark application. Anyone can look at someone's profile pic (not their information) and say if they would date that person. It can be anonymous or not, it is up to you.
Ok, well I haven't added this application, because really, I don't think anything would come of it. However, I do get emails from Spark telling me what OTHERS have said. I could disable these emails if I wanted...but to be honest, in a weird way, they make me feel good! They are really cheesy, but it is funny how something so dumb can make me smile!! :) Here are some examples of things these emails have said:
Jen, you are more desired than 96% of people.
Jen, David Allen is interested in you!
This is a summary of reasons that people gave when asked "Why would you date Jen Hinckley?"
So, as lame as this application is, I'll admit it puts a smile on my face!!
I have been complaining a lot lately. I mean, a LOT. This week was going to be the hardest of any I have had in school thus far: Last Friday, I had a French listening comprehension exam, cultural input exam, and written exam. Monday, I had my Doctrine and Covenants 325 midterm and my French oral examination. Tuesday, a psychoanalysis reading response paper due in Art History 300 and my second Art History 202 midterm. Thursday, my huge research paper for Art History 300 is due. And Friday ANOTHER research paper is due in my Art History 202 class. And I work Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday nights. Oh, and white-glove cleaning checks are Thursday. So, in all honesty, I have reason to feel stressed. But tonight, I realized I have so many MORE reasons to feel BLESSED.
First of all, I think I have the best parents in the world. Mom and Dad are the most selfless, kind, intelligent, loving, dedicated, hard-working people I know. Earlier this week, I got a package from Dad. He is always so thoughtful, but my favorite part is always the note that he adds. Sometimes it is as simple as "the Gospel is true!" and other times he writes about how he is proud of what I am doing. It always lifts my spirits and makes me feel so loved. And I think I generally talk to Mom everyday, usually asking some dumb questions and for help with things I need. She is without a doubt my best friend. Sometimes we get so excited talking to each other, that we have to tell ourselves to get off the phone so we can get things done! I feel like that kind of relationship is so unique and special. I feel so bad for kids my age that don't have that kind of bond with their parents, because I swear, some days, it is the only thing that gets me through.
Second, I have amazing siblings. On Saturday, I talked to Scott for a little bit before I went to work. Sometimes it seems strange that we are 10 years apart, because I can talk to him so easily. We have always been "buddies". Missi, as my only sister, has always been one of my best role models. If my life goes the way hers is going, I know I will be so happy! She is the beautiful, smart, caring, fun, crazy woman that I hope I can be someday! And David is probably the best thing that could have happened to me this school year! We always bickered the most of all the siblings, and we still do occasionally, but he is my best friend here in Provo! We talk a few times a day, and hang out all the time. He comes to have dinner with me at work most nights, and I know he would do anything to keep me safe and happy. Others sometimes think I am weird for wanting to be with my family so much, but I think it is great! I want to be best friends with them for eternity! (Oh! I can't forget my studly nephew Dallin and gorgeous niece Claire! They are such smart, beautiful, talented, happy kids! And I am sure the new little guy will be just the same!)
BYU is another blessing. I love being at a school with standards. Yeah, of course no one here is perfect, but most of us are trying to make wise decisions, and help others do the same. I learn so much about the gospel, the world, and myself from my classes and the people I am able to associate with. And tonight, I got an email from my Art History 300 teacher, and she informed us that our research paper will not be due until Tuesday now, giving me 5 extra days to work on it! THAT is definitely a blessing! :)
I am just getting so excited right now thinking of all the things that are blessings in my life, but this post is getting too long!! I am so thankful for the gospel, my friends "my" missionaries, all my relationships, a good ward, basically good health, etc,etc.
I think that this week has been good for me. I almost broke down on Monday night from all the stress, but I decided that I could get through it if I worked hard. As I accomplished the things I needed to, I saw just how blessed I was to have help from a loving Father in Heaven, a great university, and an incredible family.