Saturday, April 11, 2009

G is for Groomswoman

You've heard the phrase, "Always a bridesmaid, never a bride". While this may be true for some women, I feel like my life has been more along the lines of "Always a groomsmen, never a bride". Now, before I start, let me just say, this post will not be about complaining, but more about a realization that I have come to.

While growing up, I was extremely influenced by my older siblings. I got into good 80s music because of Scott, embraced my feminine side because of Missi, and thanks to Dave, I loved hockey and other sports. Despite my varied interests, however, I always seemed to get along with boys so much better than girls. While I had my close girl friends all throughout Elementary and Junior High, in the end, my closest friends are almost entirely male.

Maybe it was the lack of drama and back-stabbing, but I just related to these guys so well! Herein lies the problem: I became SO comfortable being friends with guys, that I don't really know how to DATE them. I can sit around and laugh when one of them farts, but sit me alone with one of them at a restaurant over candlelight? It's not good.

As much as I used to let this get to me, I realized maybe it isn't so bad. I have faith that someday I'll be able to be more than 'just friends' with a man. I have actually been so LUCKY to be friends with so many awesome guys, and they have taught me a lot of things about their "species" that I am sure I will find useful in my marriage. And, when all these guys start getting married, I think I will actually look pretty good in a tux. ;)